Blepharoplasty: what it is and recovery
Let's reveal today one of the most unknown terms in the world of surgery and medicine in general: the blepharoplasty: what it is and recovery . For this, it will be necessary to go deeper from the more general topics, such as what is a blepharoplasty and what is done or what is a blepharoplasty, to the most particular issues, such as the recovery of a blepharoplasty. Everything you need to know is here, although we recommend that you consult with your doctor for this type of procedure so that he can provide you with a personalized report, since each case is a world and, as such, must be treated individually. Without further ado, do not miss this post about blepharoplasty.

What is a blepharoplasty and why it is done
Before delving into the subject, we must go to the simplest of this term: what is a blepharoplasty and what is it done for? Have you ever heard about eyelid surgery? In case you do not know this concept, it should be noted that eyelid surgery is a process by which fat and part of skin and extra muscle is removed from the upper and lower eyelid area . Well, we must point out that the concepts of eyelid surgery and blepharoplasty are synonymous.

What are these types of interventions done? It is clear that a part of the surgeries of the eyelids are made for aesthetic reasons, since it allows us to remove from our face those features that make us look older or we are constantly tired . However, it should be noted that its extraction does not prevent the appearance of crow's feet or various wrinkles of the facial area. However, some humans who have this excess fat in the eye area can have difficulties in vision and, therefore, decide to resort to blepharoplasty.

Likewise, we would like to point out that this type of interventions are usually accompanied by other facial cosmetic surgery procedures , such as the front facelift or cervicofacial. In case you are interested in this type of procedure, you should only go to your plastic surgery specialist to analyze your particular case and know more specifically how to act in your situation.
How it consists of a blepharoplasty
Now, what is a blepharoplasty? The first thing we need to know is that this type of intervention should be done in a space with the relevant hygiene measures, such as an operating room . Also, this type of surgery requires the use of an anesthetic, either local sedation type or general anesthesia. The use of a sedation technique will depend on the preferences of the surgeon. Once the surgery is completed, the patient will not have to be admitted to the hospital, so with a few hours of rest in the hospital, it will be enough to control the minutes after the intervention. The estimated time for the intervention is about 3 hours, although it will vary depending on each case.

The operation of the four eyelids will start by extracting the excess fat from the upper part. To do this, you just have to make an incision in the line of the natural eyelids, although the extension may vary according to the surgeon. With very fine sutures, we can close this incision. Despite this, we must point out a new method to extract excess fat from the area of the lower eyelids, especially in the case of young people.Thanks to the development of techniques, patients can find solutions much simpler and less painful for them.

Recovery of a blepharoplasty
The recovery of a blepharoplasty requires a very simple procedure to follow. First, it is very important that the eye is well lubricated and covered with a soft bandage in the days following surgery.

It is normal that after surgery feel a little pain in the eye area . To relieve it, you just have to follow the treatment indicated by your doctor to alleviate the pain. In case the pain is unsustainable, go to your surgeon and indicate the pains and affected areas so that he can review your case.

Another of the important points in the recovery of a blepharoplasty is to keep the affected area as clean as possible . In this way, we will avoid possible eye infections. To do this, the surgeon will provide you with a series of instructions and steps to follow to get ophthalmic eye drops to keep the area clean and hydrated.

On the other hand, for the sake of reducing inflammation and the appearance of bruising, it is advisable to keep your head up a few days . Do not worry because the bruise and edema will gradually reduce until its complete disappearance.
Finally, it should be noted that your eye will be made at first more sensitive to light, begin to cry more and you will notice changes in visual acuity , but these causes are only the consequences of blepharoplasty, so they should disappear in a few days. To give you an idea of the times that are calculated, for example, the period to be able to put on a lens after a blepharoplasty is about 2 weeks, to watch TV between 2 and 3 days and you should not practice any activity strong until after 3 weeks of recovery of the blepharoplasty.

Now that you know more in detail the surgery of the eyelids or blepharoplasty, it is important to always keep in mind that in case you are interested in this type of plastic surgery, go to your surgeon to provide personalized data to your case .

If you want to know more about another type of plastic surgery, then we leave you A selection of items that may be of interest to you.
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