Varicocele: What it is, symptoms and causes
If you've never heard of the varicocele, this article interests you. In it we detail everything about the varicocele , what is , symptoms and causes . We are going to give you everything you need about an ailment that affects more and more men. And the worst is that they are a man of an early age. For this reason, knowing the varicocele, what it is, symptoms and causes, can be very important.
What is the varicocele
The first thing is to define what is the varicocele . It is a disease that affects the testicles , when the veins that reach this organ dilate. The most normal thing is that the ailment takes place in the sinister area of the scrotal sac. That is, it would directly affect the left testicle. Obviously, this problem causes blood to accumulate in the system and may generate an even greater problem.

However, the usual thing is that the thing does not go over. After all, it is nothing more than a swelling. Of course, depending on the severity of the varicocele, the degree of affection will vary. Thus, we have several degrees of varicocele:
- Grade I - A small varicocele is not visible to the naked eye. Moreover, to get to touch it internally, the affected will have to force to excel.
- Grade II - A middle varicocele does not come to be appreciated visually, but you can touch easily
- Grade III - A large varicocele, in addition to touching normally, is perceptible by the eye.
Colloquially, The varicocele is known as testicular varices. And despite the name joker, it is not a disease to belittle. Recent studies indicate that between 15 and 20% of adults have suffered. The worrying thing is that varicocele affects, especially hard, young people between 16 and 24 years old.
Symptoms of varicocele
The symptoms of varicocele are given, curiously, by the absence of them. The varicocele is a asymptomatic disease , at least in most cases. However, other times it manifests itself in a remarkable way. These are the symptoms of varicocele:

Testicular pain
It is a constant pain , intense that makes the area feel very heavy and makes the normal functioning of the organism impossible. What's more, testicular pain increases greatly if the affected person is standing. The specialists, to alleviate the pain, recommend lying down so that the testicles are supported and at rest. In addition, being in a horizontal position, the circulation is much simpler, so that when passing through the testicles, it does not go back up the body.
Obviously, it is not a symptom that we are going to notice for ourselves, nor that it is immediate, but there are those who spend months affected by varicocele without knowing it. However, to warn that we may have a problem, just touch the scrotal sac and check if it is hotter than usual . The normal thing is that its temperature is somewhat lower than that of the body, but when the varicocele attacks, it rises and causes a tremendous damage in the testicles
When the temperature of the same increases, the Sperm rate falls dramatically . In addition, those who stay, they do with a much more limited mobility, greatly complicating the reproduction. Of course, despite being few and slow, the remaining sperm can be functional and generate a pregnancy.Now, there have been cases in which the patient suffers a erectile dysfunction that prevents him from having complete sexual relations. In this case, impotence manifests itself in some affected grade III , although it can be treated and corrected.

Now, if left untreated, the ailment can become a testicular atrophy that minimizes the production of testosterone , that is, that generates impotence. The good news is that the rate of cases of impotence due to varicocele is minimal. Very rare.
Causes of varicocele
Why is this strange disease? The s causes of varicocele are varied and, yes, vary greatly in terms of their degree of danger. These are the causes of varicocele
Among those affected over 40 years, it is usual for the varicocele to have a well-marked point of origin: the abdomen . That's where the specialists look first, in case they find some intra-abdominal or peritoneal tumor . If it is found, it is possible that it is just enough to cut the testicular vein, or hindering it, generating a dilation in the area.

To do this, the patient must undergo an examination, both physical and by ultrasound, as the specialist will look for strange elements in the abdominal area, to extract them as soon as possible. Hence the relevance of routine routine examinations.
It's that simple. Genetics is capricious and your father had varicocele , you have more options to catch it more . In this case, the hereditary problem causes the venous plexus to expand. This generates an accumulation of blood that greatly impedes the circulation of blood in the body.
Treatment of varicocele
Finally, we are going to see the treatment of the varicocele and the different alternatives that there are to end this calvary. These are the varicocele treatments:
Open surgery
Despite its name, it is a simple operation and almost routine that, yes, requires general anesthesia in most cases. In spite of this, the intervention does not usually exceed 60 minutes and, if everything goes normal, they should be discharged in 24 hours . Now, recovery at home will not be easy. After all, the scrotal sac has been cracked.

However, the edema will be the What more problems do you give? So that these are the least possible, a support in the area is recommended. Obviously, no sports or relevant efforts in a month. As for sexual intercourse , we will have to wait 15 days to keep them.
Laparoscopic surgery
Laparoscopic surgery is used less than open surgery for two simple reasons: saving time and money. As is. It is a more invasive intervention and, therefore, requires more recovery time. Thus, the minimum that a patient will be admitted will be 48 hours. Of course, the cut is smaller because he knows where he is going.
Varicoele embolization
It is the most revolutionary varicocele treatment. The reason is that it is arranged in an hour of intervention and without the need to open or rummage in the body.